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OM CH’ANG SUN 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 3 NO. 820 1950-08-23
    대위 초등교육 남성
FIELD REPORT (ADVATIS - 0656) 28 August 1950

Name: OM CH’ANG SUN (嚴昌序) (엄창순)
Rank: Sr Lt
Age: 29
Orgn: 7th Div, 3rd Reg, 1st Bn, 3rd Co
Duties with Unit: Co CO
Occupation: Laborer
Education: 6 yrs Primary School
Date & Place Captured: 23 Aug 50 at T'ONGYONG (1140-1310) by ROK Marines
Interrogator: Sgt HAYASHIDA (TIS)

Subject was not very intelligent but cooperative. Reliability fair.

Military History:
Date inducted: 24 Jul 48 at UNGI-DONG.

24 Jul 48 - 12 Mar 49: RANAN Trng ctr as member 2nd Div, 5th Regt. Promoted to Sr Sgt by Mar 49 with duty as ass’t plt ldr. Trng received included sqd, plt and Co problems on methods of night attack and defense, range practice (50 rds W/M1891/30 rifle), political indoctrination (6 hrs Per wk), methods of camouflage, dismounted drill, map and compass reading (6 hrs), etc. Instructors were graduates of the Military Academy. Instructors were under supervision of Russian company grade officers. Strength 5th Regt approx 2,500 men.
12 Mar 49 - 10 Oct 49: HOERYONG Trng Ctr as instructor 1st Trng Bn, in rank of Sr Sgt. strength 1st Bn approx 500 man. Instructions rendered similar to above.
10 Oct 49 - 30 Mar 50: P’YONGYANG - Reserve trng duty at factory. Male and female factory workers received compulsory military trng from 1200 to 1400 on day. Females trained in med aid - men received basic mil trng. All males between 18 and 29 incl received trng. Single females only received med trng. No age restriction on females.
1 Apr 50 - 30 Jun 50: CHAERYONG Democratic Young Men’s Trng Ctr with duty as instructor. Promoted to Jr Lt. Trng consisted of sqd tactics only. Strength 800 men. No unit designation. Trainees returned to civilian life after completing 1 month mil trng.
30 Jun. 50 - 9 Jul 50: NKPA Hqs, P’YONGYANG. Officers were assembled at this Hqs for assignment. Subject promoted to Lt approx 30 company grade officers awaited assignment during this period. Officers were assigned to newly organized units. Some officers sent to newly organized units in WONSAN. Designation unknown. Subject sent to HAEJU for assignment 77th Independent Regt. 77th Regt organized between 1 Jul 50 and 9 Jul 50. Unit organized of recent conscripts and trained reserves. Majority (percentage unk) were recent conscripts. Strength 77th Regt on 9 Jul 50 approx 2,700 men. 77th Regt was originally organized as a Security Unit.
9 Jul 50 - 25 Jul 50: 77th Regt underwent basic mil trng. Equipped with used but serviceable Russian weapons.

Tactical Movements:
28 Jul 56: 77th Independent Regt departed HAEJU w/arty. Strength 2,700 men. Original plan was to assemble at CHONJU. Arty dispatched ahead of infantry to CHONJU on 28 Jul 50. Infantry moved by rail to SEOUL, arriving at city 1 Aug 50. No incidents enroute since travel accomplished at night only.
o/a 8 Aug 50: 77th Regt arrived TAEJON. Marched from SEOUL via SUWON, P’YONGTAEK, CHONAN and CHOCH’IWON. Enroute Regt sustained one air attack south of CHOCH’IWON. Casualty sustained 20 wounded, 2 dead.
Upon arrival at TAEJON, 77th Regt redesignated 7th Div, 3rd Regt. Original plan calling for assembly at CHONJU discarded. Regt’l arty ordered from CHONJU to CHINJU. Inf also ordered to CHINJU. Disposition 7th Div, 2nd and 1st Regt unknown. Inf departed TAEJON by truck 8 Aug 50. Transportation furnished by truck Bn from KWANGJU. Unit identification unknown.
14 Aug 50: 3rd Regt arrived CHINJU. Location of regt’l arty unk. Disposition of other units 7th Div unknown. 7th Div Hqs located KWANGJU. Route of travel from TAEJON, via T'ONGYONG, KUMCHON, KOCH’ANG, ANUI and SANCH’ON. Movement made only at night under complete blackout. No incidents enroute.
14 Aug 50 1st Bn, 3rd Regt departed CHINJU. 2nd & 3rd Bns remained in CHINJU. Marched through KONAN-RI. SACHOW and KOSONG to T'ONGYONG.
17 Aug 50: 1st & 2nd Cos, 1st Bn engaged ROK forces at T’ONGYONG by 18 0200 Aug. 3rd Co arrived T'ONGYONG 18 0400 Aug 50. Subject heard from regt CO 18 Aug 50 that 2nd & 3rd Bns, 3rd Regt situated in SACH’ON.
1st Bn did not engage enemy, between CHINJU and T'ONGYONG. 1st and 2nd Cos suffered total loss of about 3 killed and 5 wounded in taking T'ONGYONG.
Subject heard 1st and 2nd Regts, 7th Div committed to battle East of CHINJU, exact location unknown.
18 2000 Aug 50: ROK marines landed on narrowest point of land immediately north of T’ONGYONG, isolating the 1st Bn from the mainland. 1st Bn had no communications equipment so consequently unable to contact other elements of Regt for assistance.
19 0400 Aug 50: ROK marines commenced attacking supported by naval gun fire. 2nd & 3rd Cos, 3rd Bn west and east of T'ONGYONG. 1st Co hold in reserve south of T'ONGYONG. Battle lasted until 0600 hrs. 3rd Bn, 3rd Regt completely annihilated. Regt’l cmdr, 3rd Regt, 7th Div as well as Bn cmdr 3rd Bn killed in engagement. No one from 3rd Bn escaped. 1st & 2nd Bns, 3rd Regt still in SACH'ON.
23 Aug 50: Subject remained in hiding until this date when he surrendered to the ROK forces.

No information.

Foreign Elements:
No information.

Capabilities of Unit:
Morale : Because of the lack of proper training, the troops were afraid of combat. However, the troops were very obedient to orders. There were numberous cases of desertions. The majority of the Regt’l losses must be attributed to desertions. The lack of rations contributed greatly to low morale.
Replacements: Unit did not receive any replacements since leaving N KOREA.
Supply: No information.
Strength: 3rd Regt 7th Div:
1st Bn600 0
2nd Bn600 600
3rd Bn600 600
Other units  900
Regt’l Arty: Regt’l arty had not been committed so strength and equipment was same as when organized in N. KOREA. Weapons: 3 x 76mm M1942 gun, 3 x 120mm mortars and 2 x 45mm AT gun.

No information.

See capabilities of unit:

Code Numbers:
3rd Regt (former 77th Ind Regt) - 593

Strategic EEI:
No information.


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