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KIM, UN SIK 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 2 NO. 726 1950-08-19
    전사 무학 남성
FIELD REPORT (ADVATIS - 0544) 22 August 1950

Name: KIM, UN SIK (金銀植) (김은식)
Rank: Pvt
Age: 32
Orgn: N. Korean Secruity Unit, 11th Bn, 2nd Co (Code No. 65) 2nd Plt, 2nd Sqd.
Duties: Rifleman
Education: None
Occupation: Farmer
Address: PYONGYANG PUK-TO, CHONGJU-GUN, MASAN-MYON, WON-DONG-NI 237 (平安北道 定州郡 마산면 원종리)
Date and Place Captured: 19 Aug 50 at KEGYE (1218-1465) Area.
Interrogator: Sgt AHN (ATIS)

Cooperative but information limited.

Military History:
Inducted 5 Jul 50 at YONGCH’ON. No training.
Tactical movements: 11th Bn, 640 men, departed YONCH’ON, 6 Jul 50 marched - arrived SEOUL, morning of 10 Jul 50. Stayed in a Primary School building. Observed about 30 trucks loaded with supplies heading south toward front. PW could not say what was in these trucks because they were camouflaged with leaves. Very few troops observed in SEOUL.
11th Bn departed SEOUL during the night, 10 Aug 50 - marched - arrived WONJU, date unknown. Before the 11th Bn arrived in WONJU. PW observed NKPA troops camped in the vicinity of KOKSU-RI, (about weapons, unknown. PW’s unit (11th Bn) stayed in WONJU 5 days. No other troop movements observed during the 5 days. However, he saw about 5 trucks loaded with supplies and camouflaged heading south and also trucks carrying wounded NKPA troops heading north.
From SEOUL to WONJU and TANYANG, PW saw about 15 to 20 large bridges which had been destroyed by aircraft. In order for trucks and troops to get across the rivers, they either had to detour inland to cross at shallow places or build rafts.
On the trip to TANYANG PW also observed trucks towing artillery pieces—about 30 -40. In the daytime he noticed many well camouflaged trucks off the roads. Also observed many troops moving south at nights, units unknown. Privates were not permitted to talk to any troops they passed or met.
After passing through TANYAN, the 11th Bn arrived in CHONGSONG, date unknown. Saw about 1,000 NKPA troops, unit unknown. Departed CHONGSONG, arrived KIGYE 12 Aug 50. No other NKPA troops observed in KIGYE. Engaged ROK troops for 7 days and all squad leaders and platoon leaders and many EM killed. PW and LEE, PYONG MAN surrendered to ROK troops on 19 Aug 50. During the 7 days an NKPA unit of about 300 men assisted the 11th Bn.

Names of Unit Commanders unknown.

Foreign Elements:
PW’s platoon leader, CCF trained. Name unknown

Weapons and Personnel:
11th Bn -RIfles600
640 men in the 11th Bn. No replacements (19 Aug 50). 160 men in each company (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Cos)

Capability of Unit:
Morale was low because of shortage of food. Men always tired and weak for lack of food and long marches by night.
Ammunition supplies were very low. Heavy equipment carried by troops. No vehicles available because most of them were destroyed by aircraft. No way to correspond with families. Most casualties due to MG fire and artillery shells.

4 x T-34/85 tanks observed between CHONGSONG and KIGYE. Date and time unknown.

About 30 - 40 artillery pieces (size unknown) observed heading south, towed by trucks between WONJU and TANYANG on main highwy.

One 2½-ton Russian-made truck in battalion. Abandoned on roadside between SEOUL and TANGYANG. No replacements of vehicles.

Food received once or twice daily. Most of rice and cabbage supplies bought from farmers. Fruit was bought from farmers with cigarettes by NKPA.

Enemy Intentions:
Objective - TAEGU and PUSAN.
Gas training, none. Gas Mask unknown to PW.
No airfield observed.
Hearsay: PYONGYANG, huge air base. Description of air field unknown to PW.


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