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SUN, Pei Yu│CHA, Ni Nong 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 46 NO. 3922 1951-02-15
    전사 미분류 남성
FIELD REPORT (521 LDI 0463) 18 February 1951

PW NAMES: SUN, Pei Yu 26, Sqd Ldr - HMG gunner
CHA, Ni Nong 25, Pvt - ammo bearer
UNIT: 4th Fd Army, 15th Army Group, 40th Army, 120th Div, 360th Regt, 3d Bn, HMG Co, 1st Plat
DATE & BY WHOM CAPTURED: 15 Feb 51 by 187th RCT

PW cooperative. Reliability - Good
SUN, Pei Yu - 3 yr 5 mo with CCF (volunteer)
CHA, Wi Nong - 5 yr in CNA, and 1 yr 3 mo with CCF

a. Chronology:
15 Oct 50 - 360th Regt, 120th Div arr UNSAN, via SINUIJU. Unit engaged UN Forces and suffered slight casualties. Joined 358th and 359th Regt and Div Hq. Obs 36th, 38th, 39th, 40th, 42d, 60th, and 66th Armies in UNSAN and vicinity.
1 Nov 50 - 360th Regt arr KUZANG, engaged UN troops for 3 days and lost about 60 men.
Late Dec 50 - 120th Div arr P’YONGYANG. While enroute obs 38th, and 39th Armies also heading towards P’YONGYANG. Div stationed on outskirts of city for 7 days and lectured on treatment of US PW.
20 Jan 51 - Arr 8km NE of SEOUL.
6 Feb 51 - Obs a replacement or reinforcement Regt from MANCHURIA for the 40th Army in vic SEOUL. These personnel were all ex-CNA.
8 Feb 51 - 120th Div arr HAN River east of SEOUL.
12 Feb 51 - Div arr YANGPYONG and immediately engaged UN Forces. 3d Bn, 360th Regt suffered 60 casualties. 38th, 39th, 42d, 60th, and 66th Armies were obs in YANGPYONG and vic.
13 Feb 51 - 120th Div arr vic NE of WONJU.
14 Feb 51 - Div engaged by UN Forces. Casualties - 100
15 Feb 51 - PW captured at DS 0336 during engagement.

b. Organization, Strength, and Weapons:
4th Fd Army - 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th Army Groups
15th Army Group - 39th, 40th, 41st Armies
UnitStrengthEquip, Wpn & Ammo
40th Army:  
 118th Div  
 119th 〃  
 120th 〃  
 Arty Regt7006 Jap Mt guns
 Arty Fd Hosp  
120th Div:  
 358th Regt  
 359th 〃  
 360th 〃  
 Arty Bn3006 Jap Mt guns
360th Regt:2,500 
 1st Bn800 - original, 400 as of 15 Feb 51 
 2d 〃800 - original, 300 as of 15 Feb 51 
 3d 〃800 
 Arty Btry1503 Chinese Arty pieces (75mm?)
 Recon Co100 
3d Bn:800 (300 men as of 15 Feb 51) 
 1st Co160En Co had 9 LMG 1,000 rd en, and rifles 120 rd ea
 2d Co  
 3d 〃  
 HMG Co180 (70-80 men as of 15 Feb 51) 
HMG Co:  
 1st Plat443 HMG 2,000 rd ea, 1 AT gun 20 shells, Plat Ldr and CO with rifles and 40 rd ea, others had no small wpn.
 25 (15 Feb)
 2d PlatSame as above 
 Mortar Plat80 (original)3 x 82mm mortars 60 rd
 40 (15 Feb) 
Note: 15 Feb 51, HMG Co practically annihilated at DS 0336. All weapons destroyed or lost.
120th Div originally had 300 Chinese made trucks upon entrance into KOREA and the last of the few that remained at SEOUL were destroyed by airstrikes. Heard that Chinese supply of Jap M38 rifle ammo had been depleted.

c. UN PW:
Observed 60-80 US PW in vic KUZANG heading towards SINUIJU (Nov 50). These PW were in good physical condition and had all personal belongings, including watches and rings. According to hearsay, these PW were being taken to MANCHURIA for 3 yr of Communist indoctrination before their release. Instructors were to be English speaking Chinese college students. PW were fed canned goods confiscated from warehouses in P’YONGYANG. Units were told to turn in to Div Hq all captured US food supplies.

d. Weapon Production:
According to lectures given by political instructors, 60mm mortars, AA guns and shells, rifles, automatic wpn, MG, trucks, and aircraft were being mass produced at MUKDEN.

e. Flight Training:
Mongolians were being trained by Russians as pilots.

f. Chinese Laborers:
While in vic of SEOUL and WONJU, heard from 2 Chinese volunteer laborers that during the latter part of Nov 50, approx 20,000 Chinese civilian volunteer laborers, ages 30-40, entered KOREA. These laborers were used as litter bearers, ammo bearers and rail-road repair men and were attached to Army Hq. Only litter bearers were attached to Div.

g. Foreign Personnel:
(1) During 50, obs from 20-40 former Japanese Army nurses employed in majority of 22 army hospitals in MUKDEN, CHANGCHUN, MANCHURIA. Also obs one former Japanese army doctor (MARUI 丸井 50 yr old) employed in an army hospital in MUKDEN.
(2) During Sep 50, at ANTUNG, obs Russian Officers on jeeps returning from KOREA via SINUIJU daily.

For the AC of S, G-2:


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