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CHUY Yuin Fa 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 47 NO. 3985 1951-02-21
    전사 무학 남성
FIELD REPORT (IX CORPS MIDI 0313) 25 February 1951

NAME: CHUY Yuin Fa (崔雲■)
1ST CAV PW #: CD-16448
AGE: 22
DUTY: Ammo Bearer
UNIT: 42d Army, 126th Div, 377th Regt (Code: 108), 2d Bn (Code: 562), HMG Co (Code: 678), 2d Plat, 5th Sqd
PLACE AND DATE CAPTURED: Captured at Hill 201 (CS833556) 211500 Feb 51 by 5th Cav.

PW cooperative during interrogation. Information considered fairly reliable.

a. Chronology:
With the CNA until captured by the CCF in Dec 49 at TIENTSIEN, CHINA. Since then PW with the 42d Army.
377th Regt crossed the YALU River three months ago over the CHIAN-MANPOJIN bridge. Immediately thereafter, Regt marched southward, taking the following route via mountain trails and secondary roads: SAL■DU■G-MYON (BU5225), TAESIM-NI (CS587518), crossed the HAN River at a place believed to be (CS597509) o/a 15 Jan, recrossed the Han River o/a 15 Jan 51 at vicinity of YANGPYONG (CS667495), and returned to TAESIM-NI o/a 21 Jan 51. Regt rested 20 days and dug foxholes, then continued to YANGPYONG over a main road in a SE direction without crossing the HAN River. After spending 8 days at YANGPYONG, the Regt marched to the vicinity of (CS833556), arriving there o/a 15 Feb 51. Regt separated by battalions. 2d Bn marched to Hill 201 (CS833556) and dug in. At the same time, HMG Co was split into sqd each being assigned to the three rifle companies and one sqd assigned to an unknown hill 2 km south of Hill 201. 5th Sqd was assigned to the 4th Co.
O/a 210800 Feb 51, 2d Bn was attacked by UN forces. After an engagement of approx 3 hr, the Bn ran out of ammo and withdrew. Did not follow unit but remained in his foxhole which resulted in his being captured.

b. Organization and Strength (Present):
42d Army composed of 124th, 125th and the 126th Div.
125th Div composed of 376th, 377th and 378th Regt.
377th Regt composed of three Rifle Bn, Security Co, Recon Co, Signal Co and two artillery Btry. Believed that the present strength of the Regt is about 800 men, depleted from the original strength of 3,000 men when they left for combat. Reduction in strength was mainly caused by artillery bombardment and frostbite. Believes the present strength of a rifle company as of 21 Feb to be about 40-50 men.

c. Deployment of PW Own Unit:
Prior to the attack 21 Feb 51, 2d Bn CP was at the foot of the south slope of Hill 201. Companies were deployed on Hill 201.

d. Deployment of Other Units:
Heard that the 38th, 39th, and the 40th Armies were in KOREA.
e. Status of Arms, Ammo:
Prior to the attack 21 Feb 51, each Rifle Co had the following weapons:
6 LMG, 500 rd ea
3x60mm mortars
20 Jap M-38 rifles, 80 rd ea
4 pistols, 10 rd ea
4 grenades to each man
HMG Co: (as of 21 Feb)
4 HMG, 500-700 rd ea
3x82mm mortars, 15 rd ea
4 pistols 10 rd ea
2 SMG, 20 rd ea
Observed 6 Jap M92 artillery pieces and 6x82mm mortars of the Arty Btry, attached to the 377th Regt, at YANGPYONG early in Feb 51.
HMG Co received 200 rd per HMG o/a 28 Jan 51, at TAESIM-NI.

f. Status of Food and Clothing:
No resupply of food or clothing was received by 377th Regt, however, troops received a pair of new canvas shoes at TAESIM-NI o/a 28 Jan 51.
Food for the unit was usually foraged locally.

g. Mission and Intentions:
He was told by his officers o/a 14 Feb 51 that they were to defend Hill 201 and repel UN forces until the arrival of major forces in the near future. They were told by their officers to keep on fighting so that the UN will have to fight in wider sector creating gaps which weaken them.

h. Personalities:
WANG Ta Ju (王大天), 30, CO HMG Co.

i. Physical Condition of Troops:
Aside from the few cases of frostbite. Troops of the 377th Regt were in good physical condition.

j. Propaganda and/or Surrender Leaflets:
At one time or the other the troops of the 377th Regt picked up UN leaflets. After reading them the majority of the troops placed faith in them and were willing to surrender at the first opportunity. However, opportunity was scarce.

For the AC of S, G-2:


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