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PYON CH’OL 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 4 NO. 908 1950-09-01
    전사 고등교육 남성
FIELD REPORT (ADVATIS - 0693) 3 September 1950

Name: PYON CH’OL (邊鐵) (변철)
Rank: Pvt
Age: 24
Organization: 8th Div, 3rd Regt, 3rd Bn, 3rd Co, 1st Plt, 1st Sqd
Duties: Rifleman
Education: HANKU University 2 years - SEOUL, KOREA
Occupation: Primary School Instructor
Address: SEOUL, SONGPUK-KU, TONAM DONGSAN #46/48 (京城特別市 城北区 敦岩洞山 48의 46)
Date and Place Captured: 1 Sep - UBO-MYON (友保面) (1165-1474)
Interrogator: Cpl HORISHIGE (ATIS)

PW possessed very little information. PW spend a long time answering simple questions. Information not considered very reliable.

Military History:
25 Jul 50 - Approx 4,000 S. Koreans, including PW, were conscripted into the NKPA at SEOUL. These men were issued S. Korean Firemen's uniform. They received one weak of training (close order drill, calesthenics and political lectures). The 4,000 men were assigned to the 3rd Replacement Regt.
1 Aug 50 - The 1st Bn (900 men) of the 3rd Repl Regt trained again at UIDONG (牛耳洞) for about 10 days. Training consisted of close order drill, squad tactics, military courtesy, etc.
10 Aug 50 - The 1st Bn returned to SEOUL.
11 Aug 50 - The 1st Bn departed SEOUL. The 1st and 2nd Bns had already departed SEOUL on the previous day.
O/a 20 Aug 50 - The 3rd Repl Regt reached ANDONG (安東).
O/a 24 Aug 50 - The 3rd Repl Regt reached UISONG (義城). About 1,100 men in the 3rd Repl Regt were assigned to the 3rd Regt, 8th Div at a point approx 10 km S of UISONG. Rest of the 2,900 men in the 3rd Repl Regt were assigned to the other units at a point approx 12 km S of UISONG.
30 Aug 50 - The 3rd Co, 3rd Bn, 3rd Regt (about 120 men) reached 1 Sep 50 - About 90 men, including PW, were ordered to go to the rear for food and ammunition. The 90 men ware divided into 5-man groups and marched 100 meters apart. PW and 4 others encountered ROK troops at a point approx 2 km N of UBO-MYON. PW and 4 others surrendered to the ROK troops. PW did not know what happened to the others who went after the food and ammunition.

Weapons and Personnel:
PW’s company had not been issued weapons up until the time of PW’s capture, 1 Sep 50. Only officers were armed and they had sub-machine guns. PW did not know whether the replacements in the other companies were issued weapons or not.

Capability of Unit:
Morale of the replacements was low. However, there were a few Communist among the replacements who were willing to fight for the N. Koreans.

PW observed 2 x T-34/85 tanks 4 km S of UISONG o/a 26 Aug 50.

Ate twice a day.
PW heard from the troops that there was no shortage of ammunition.

Enemy Intentions:
PW heard from his fellow soldiers that the objective of 8th Div was YONGCH'ON (永川).


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