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YEE DONG OH 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 3 NO. 837 1950-08-19
    중위 중등교육 남성

Name: YEE DONG OH (李東梧)
Age: 27 years
Rank: 1st Lt
Branch of Service: Infantry.
Length of Service: 2 years.
Education: Elementary school, 6 years, Agricultural school, 6 months.
Previous occupation: Farmer.
Foreign Language spoken: Japanese (Fair)
Date of Capture: 19 August 1950.
Place of Capture: KIGYE (36° 04'N - 129° 12'E).
Interrogator: NAKAYAMA (FEAF) (Rpt No 135)

Unit Identification and Commanding Officers:
Division7thCHOE (FNU)Major Gen.Married, age 40 PH Unknown.
Regiment1stCHOE HYOK (FNU)ColonelMarried, age 35, Served in Kan Yee Len Jin (anti-Japanese Allied Army) for 7 years in YONAN, CHINA.
Battalion2ndAM MUN GULMajorMarried, age 36. Drove horse wagon as occupation before entering army. Went to elementary schools for 3 years.

Table of Organization and Equipment:
Regiment2,6004 120MM Mortar (Japanese make)1,600 
  21 HMG (air and water cooled, Jap Make)  
  72 LMG (Japanese make)  
  2 45MM M1942 AT guns.  
  6 Maxim M1910 (Russian Make)  
  18 12.7MM DSHK M1938  
  1,200 Model "99" Japanese  
  1,200 Model "38" Japanese  
  120 "Grease Gun" (USA Make)  
  200 TT M1933 Tokarev pistol.  
  21 Flare guns (Korean make)  
Company160  (60% of authorized equipment was destroyed)
NOTE; All of the above weapons are distributed according to strength among Battalions, Companies, Platoons, and Squads.

Capability of Unit:
PW’s Unit, the Kando-Son, Yongil Hyon, Yongil-Sri, Poan Tan Regiment of Manchuria under the commander of General Mol Tak Tong’s Communist Army of China was composed of 15-16 Japanese ex-PWs of China, 120 - 130 Koreans and the rest were all Chinese Communists. PW remained here for 1 year 8 months. They were told by the Unit commander that all Koreans would be sent to North Korea if they wished. On April 7, 50, 80 out of 120, left MANCHURIA and arrived in WONSAN (GENZAN) (39° 10'N - 127° 26'E) on 15 April 50. They were attached to the 7th Division, 1st Regiment, 2nd Battalion, where they were trained for 1 month.

PW’s unit had varied supply of food consisting of rice, miso, shoyu, sugar, dried fish, canned goods, dried seaweed and salt.
Clothing supply consisted of tents, socks, uniforms, underwear, canvas shoes and helmets.
They had ammunition for 120MM Mortars, 45MM mortars, rifles, Heavy and Light machine guns.

The mission of 7th Division, 1st Regiment, 2nd Battalion, was POHANG (36° 04'N - 129° 12'E) and after it was captured, they were to take TAEGU.

Composition of Unit:
7th Division
NOTE: All Battalions are divided the same 1st Battalion except Artillery Battalions.

Entered Army in MANCHURIA on 1 August 48 and took basic training at YONGIL-HYON, YONGIL-SHI, POANG-TAN. The training consisted of political indoctrination - 2 hours daily, tactics of warfare - no time limit, supply - 3 hours a week for 6 months, calisthenics - 1 hour every morning, marching once a week and rifle firing. PW actually fired 80 rounds of live ammunition. The training mentioned above is repeated over and over for approximately 1 year 8 months. (16 Aug 48 to 15 April 50).

18 JuneWonsan Yukkan Pyong Wan Hospital14 JulFoot 
16 JulyYangyang17 JulFootSaw 8 burnt tanks of Russian make (T-34/85 Med Tank) at point 15 kilometers south of 38th parallel near MORA-SAN.
25 JulyYonju27 JulyFootAttacked by S. Korean Troops.
31 JulyAndong1 AugFoot 
14 AugKigye15 AugFootFought 10th Regiment of the South Korean Army.
15 AugPohang15 AugFootU.S. Artillery fire.
19 AugKigye19 AugFootCaptured by South Korean Troops
Type of Armor:
The artillery unit of the Artillery Regiment, attached to the 7th Division had 2 100MM M1944 AT gun, 2 JS - 1 Heavy tank with 122MM Long barreled gun. Nomenclature was unknown. Manned by 4 or 5 men, 1 driver, 1 communication man, 1 machine gunner, 1 or 2 crew men. The entire crew were North Korean soldiers.

Horse Cavalry:
Source was positive that no Cavalry was attached to his unit other than 8 small number of ponies used in place of trucks for hauling supplies and moving artillery.

Troops of other nationality;
Only a small number of Russian officers (Majors) were attached to 7th Division as military aides and consultants. PW did not see them but heard this from reliable source.

PW saw 2 Japanese anti-aircraft gun on wheels. They were camouflaged at all times.

Condition of Terrain behind lines:
1. Roads: The road PW traveled was a rough unpaved dirt road of 7 to 8 feet in width.
2. Railroad: The railroads were bombed and many places were under repair. However, he saw very little of railroads after 25 June 1950.
3. The bridges were also bombed by UN forces and a large number of them were unpassable.
The entire terrain was mostly mountainous or mushy land.

The Anti-South Korean propaganda was that if the North Koreans win the war they will have a government that will help make the Korean people prosperous. All the people will be paid high salaries, the standard of living will be raised and all the farmers will be given an exemption on a certain amount of taxation.

Source of Equipment:
All the equipment was made in Russia, Japan and U.S. Quality of equipment was inferior to U.S.

Conscription of North Koreans and in Occupied Areas:
All the young men of 16 to 23 years of age are either force-fully taken into the army or automatically given the uniforms of the North Korean Army if they belong to some young Men's Organization.
In occupied areas the young men were approached by the Mayor or some government agent appointed by an official of the Korean Army and taken to some large building, auch as a school, church or large warehouse and forced to volunteer. They were told that if they refused their families would suffer the consequences. They will be sent across the 38th parallel and later brought battle South Korean and used against the U.N. Forces.

Signs of Disaffection in Bombed Areas of North Korea:
Most of the lower classes in North Korea are dissatisfied with the way the North Korean Government operates. They are all moving from their farm, due to high taxes and low crop production.
The people of bombed areas are sure that UN Air power will eventually bomb all manufacturing plants and military installations. They are highly afraid of USAF air power and its effectiveness.

Prisoners of North Korean Army:
7th Division, 1st Regiment, 2nd Battalion captured 9 South Korean soldiers off the 100th Regiment in 3 days battle at YONJU.

Comments: PW was of a superior type. His statements were all from memory and to the best of his knowledge. In YONJU he was promoted to 1st Lt. and was made the leader of the "Communist Youth Association". He said his unit was exceptionally well supplied with food, clothing aid ammunition.


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